Experienced Business Analysis Leader and community of practice builder, with over 14 years’ experience in transformational change in numerous sectors covering automotive, telco, financial services and more recently public sector. Currently Head of Business Analysis in a major UK Government department — Ministry of Justice (MoJ Digital & Technology) and formerly Head of Business Analysis of DWP Digital, where he led one of the largest communities of practice made up of 250+ BAs across the country.
An advocate for developing others, he has previously launched the BA apprenticeship in DWP Digital, co-designed and launched an in-house Senior BA Development Programme and have successfully moved large communities to be fully virtual during the pandemic. Jamie is an active and influential member within the Cross-Government BA Leaders community, sits on the IS BA Level 4 Apprenticeship Standard review group, regular guest speaker, occasional writer as well as occasionally contributes to and reviews new BCS publications.
Tweets @_JamieToyne_